Statistics Logging


The Cisco Nexus 3550-T Programmable Switch Platform can log time series statistics to a remote database. The current version only supports InfluxDB databases.

Collected Statistics

System sensors and information including:

  • Temperature sensors
  • Power supply sensors
  • Fan speeds

Interface status and counters including:

  • Current RX link state
  • RX link change count
  • Packet and byte counters for RX and TX
  • CRC error counters for RX (FCS)

InfluxDB setup

Before you can enable statistics logging, you must configure a database.

To set up a connection to an InfluxDB server, you need the server address and database name, which you can configure by using the following command:

admin@NX-3550-T# config influxdb-server host myhost database triton

This will add the server myhost with the database triton to a list of InfluxDB servers.

To query the currently configured InfluxDB settings, use the show command:

admin@NX-3550-T# show influxdb-server
Server       Port             Database HTTPS
------------ ---------------- -------- -----
myhost     (default = 8086)   triton    N
myhost2    9000               triton2   N

Host Settings

If the InfluxDB server listens on a port other than 8086, you can specify the port by using the following command:

admin@NX-3550-T# config influxdb-server host myhost port 9086 database triton

By default, the Nexus 3550-T uses HTTP to connect to the InfluxDB server. To enable HTTPS, use the https command:

admin@NX-3550-T# config influxdb-server host myhost database triton https

If the InfluxDB database requires authentication, configure it by specifying a username and a password:

admin@NX-3550-T# config influxdb-server host myhost database triton username dbuser password dbpassword

By default, statistics are published to the remote server every 60 seconds. To configure this interval use the following command:

admin@NX-3550-T# config influxdb-server host myhost database triton interval 60

Remove Hosts

The no form of the influxdb-server removes an entry from currently configured list.

admin@NX-3550-T# config no influxdb-server host myhost2 port 9000 database triton2

This command removes the entry for myhost2; the list of servers now shows the following result:

admin@NX-3550-T# show influxdb-server
Server       Port             Database HTTPS
------------ ---------------- -------- -----
myhost     (default = 8086)   triton    N

It is possible to remove multiple entries at a time with the no form of the command. For example, if multiple databases are configured for myhost2:

admin@NX-3550-T# show influxdb-server
Server    Port             Database HTTPS
--------- ---------------- -------- -----
myhost  (default = 8086)   triton    N
myhost2 9000               triton1   N
myhost2 9001               triton2   N
myhost2 9002               triton3   N

To remove all current entries for myhost2, run the following command:

admin@NX-3550-T# configure no influxdb-server host myhost2
admin@NX-3550-T# show influxdb-server
Server   Port             Database HTTPS
-------- ---------------- -------- -----
myhost (default = 8086)   triton    N

This page was last updated on Mar-23-2021.